The April meeting of Codford Women's Institute was in two parts.
Firstly, there was the AGM, in which the secretary Mrs E. Read summarised the year's activities, saying it had been a busy and successful year. The treasurer Mrs. E. Elcomb pointed out that financially they were doing well, thanks largely to the very popular Summer Fair.
Mrs. D. Axtell, the President, was pleased to say that membership had increased. She thanked the committee for their support during the past year.
On the resignation of Mrs. Elcomb as treasurer, Mrs. M. Drake was elected to this office. Mrs. C. Stone was also welcomed to the committee.
The business of the meeting having been concluded, a rare treat was in store for members, in the person of Danny Howell, who held all enthralled with many details of local history and lesser known facts on villages, churches and houses in the Wylye Valley. All of which he illustrated with his superb slides.
There will be no speaker at the May meeting when the resolutions for the national AGM will be discussed. There will be no competition either but members were asked to bring along their prettiest or most interesting necklace (or perhaps make their own) for an exhibition.