Tuesday, 24 July 1984

Thank You Warminster


Mr. Diaper, who lives at King's Court, Warminster, has penned the following letter:

We first came to Warminster, my wife and myself, to visit a relative. Even then, we liked the town and the ease with which we could reach such places as Salisbury, Bath and Wells, etc.

Then came my retirement time, so we decoded to try and get a flat here in Warminster. After a while we succeeded in getting one to rent. Our friends and relatives "Oops t' North" were quick to tell us we would regret digging up our roots and moving the three hundred odd miles south.

Well! They have been proved wrong. Never have we been made to feel so welcome and at home as we now have by the people of Warminster. It seems everyone passes the time of day and the people are warm and friendly. The girls at the supermarket checkouts are helpful to us, the shopkeepers are obliging and everyone is so kind.

We also joined the Warminster Lakeside Centre. What a friendly and sociable crowd of people we met there and what friends we made.

Some of our home-town folks could learn a lot from Warminster people.

We were given to understand that 'southerners' were "an odd lot o' fowk". They are but it is for the better and they are more friendly than quite a lot of northerners.

Again, we say Thank You Warminster for your warmth and friendliness and for making us feel at HOME.

From, a Tyke.

(For those of you who don't understand, a tyke is a Yorkshireman).