Monday, 8 May 1995

V.E. Day Anniversary Street Party At Codford


The main street in Codford was the venue today for a street party to mark the 50th anniversary of V.E. Day.

Just about everybody who lived in Codford came together to enjoy cakes, sandwiches, lemonade, and lots of other treats, and a very happy occasion it was.

Bedeguar Books, by kind invitation of the organisers, had a stall selling a wide variety of their local publications; pride of place being given to Romy Wyeth's new book Sterner Days, Codford During The Second World War.

The stall was manned by Glenn Head and Danny Howell, who were pleased, at the close of the afternoon, to report not only a brisk trade in sales but also a big interest shown in local history.

Many of the people who came to the stall, took the time to recall not only their memories of the War but lots of vivid recollections of Codford and the neighbouring villages in times of peace as well.