Tuesday, 29 November 1988

Warminster The Way We Were


During the 1980s there has been, nationwide, a nostalgia boom. More and more people (perhaps because of the increased percentage of the elderly in the population, and the recent rapid changes in lifestyle, technology, etc.) are looking back and remembering "the old day" with affection, and, in some cases, sadness.
"Progress" has brought about many changes, some good, some bad, and all have come about at an ever increasing rate during the past one hundred years. Motor cars, television, video, space travel and computers are just a few of the things that have become part of our everyday lives and today's child thinks of them as nothing out of the ordinary.

The old way of life is apparently lost but it is not forgotten. Most towns now have a book or two of old photographs providing a visual record of local scenes and residents from yesteryear. Warminster is no exception. In 1984 Warminster History Society produced its first book Old Pictures Of Warminster, and in 1985 I published An Old Postcard Album Of Warminster. Together, they contained over 240 photographs and illustrations.
Both books were well received and brought back many memories for the town's senior citizens. Those pictures also gave the younger members of the community an insight into how things were in grandfather's schooldays - horses and carts on the dusty streets, home-made fun and simple pleasures, the uniformity and style of dress, to name but a few of the obvious comparisons.

Warminster The Way We Were is intended as a supplement to the two aforementioned publications, and I hope that it will continue to instill a feeling of roots for local residents.

Danny Howell, November 1988.