Friday, 18 December 1987

A Letter From Albert Saywell


I read with great interest the letter from Jack Field and Danny Howell [see Bedeguar Blog: 27 November 1987]; a letter written on behalf of the History Society concerning the fate of the football field at Christ Church. I sincerely hope such a wonderful letter will have the desired effect on those councillors in whom this fate lies.

Personally I remember quite vividly all of the players mentioned, especially the Smiths and the Turners. My own fond memories of the field go back to the 20's and the 30's when I played for about five years in the old Wiltshire League for the Red and Blacks and earlier on, for the Men's Own and Christ Church, in the Easter Monday Six-A-Side Tournament.

Very often I still slide back down memory lane to those far off days and remember how enjoyable they were.

I sincerely hope that the whole town will add its weight and support to those who are striving for the preservation of the old field, if not as a football field, at least as an open space.

The last time I came back to Warminster, I remember my old friend Frank White saying to me how it grieved him that the old town was being spoilt by those to whom the old traditions and institutions meant nothing, a sentiment I am sure the older people of Warminster fully share.

Yours faithfully,

Albert B. Saywell, 21 St. Mary's Court, Congleton, Cheshire.