Tuesday, 10 April 2007

The Haden Family


Sue Kirkwood-Lowe, of Mudeford in Dorset, has written to Danny Howell, with regard her family tree research. One branch concerns the Haden family, who ran an ironmongery business in Warminster for just over 40 years during the 19th century. Sue is seeking information and looking for pictures.

Danny Howell has replied:

Dear Sue Kirkwood-Lowe,

Thank you for your letter dated 30th March, enquiring for information and pictures regarding the Hadens who were ironmongers in Warminster.

According to Adrian Phillips, in his book The Warminster Trail, published in 1989, James Burnett Haden may have taken over an ironmongery business that had been run by a Mr Noyes.
Mr Phillips, referring to the High Street, wrote: "One of the last remaining Victorian cast iron shop fronts left in Warminster can be seen at No.4. (Cordens). The business of ironmongery is thought to have been started here or near here by the Noyes family who were gunmakers in 1800. In 1839 a certain James Haden appears as an ironmonger as well as a gunmaker and bell-hanger. In 1880 it passed to the Cordens and remained in their hands until Charlie Corden died in 1978. He was a well-known Warminster resident whose stock often went back to his ancestors. If you needed carbide for a vintage lamp, Charlie Corden was the person to ask. Its present owners have modernised the shop, but to their credit have saved many of the original features such as the wooden floors and the cast-iron gun-stack just inside the front door. We hope that Warminster will continue to boast a proper ironmonger for another two hundred years. The building itself dates back as far as the 16th century."

The Noyes/Haden/Corden dates are verified by entries in Warminster trade directories:

Commercial Directory, 1830: Five ironmongers in Warminster are listed:
Charles Brodribb, ironmonger and leather seller, Market Place.
Thomas Browne and Thomas Warne, ironmongers and braziers, Market Place.
James James, ironmonger and brazier, Market Place.
William Long, ironmonger, East Street.
Richard Noyes, ironmonger, Market Place.

Commercial Directory, 1842: Four ironmongers in Warminster are listed:
Charles Brodribb, ironmonger, Market Place.
Thomas Browne and Thomas Warne, ironmongers and braziers, Market Place.
James Burnett Haden, ironmonger, Market Place.
Charles Howell, ironmonger, Market Place.

Pigot & Co.’s Directory, 1844: The same four ironmongers are listed:
Charles Brodribb, ironmonger, Market Place.
Thomas Browne and Thomas Warne, ironmongers and braziers, Market Place.
James Burnett Haden, ironmonger, Market Place.
Charles Howell, ironmonger, Market Place.

Kelly’s Directory, 1848, includes:
James Burnett Haden, ironmonger and agent to Church of England fire & life office,
Market Place, Warminster.

Slater’s Directory, 1852-1853, includes four ironmongers in Warminster:
Charles Brodribb, ironmonger, Market Place.
Thomas Warne Browne & Son, ironmongers and braziers, Market Place.
James Burnett Haden, ironmonger and glass dealer, Market Place.
Thomas Hazell Reynolds, Market Place, Warminster.

J.G. Harrod & Co.’s Directory, 1865, includes:
James Burnett Haden, furnishing and general ironmonger, gunmaker, gas fitter,
bellhanger &c., Market Place.

Kelly’s Directory, 1867, includes:
James Burnett Haden, ironmonger and gunmaker, Market Place.

Kelly’s Directory, 1875, includes:
Samuel John Haden, ironmonger and gunsmith, Market Place.

Kelly’s Directory, 1880, includes:
Samuel John Haden, ironmonger, High Street.

Kelly’s Directory, 1889, includes:
Sidney Lancelot Corden, ironmonger, 37 High Street, Warminster.
No mention of Samuel John Haden.

The Warminster Miscellany newspaper was published monthly in the 1850s and 1860s but James Burnett Haden seems to have only advertised in it a couple of times. His advert, on the front page, for 2 March 1857, reads:

IRONMONGER, begs to call attention to his Stock of GARDEN TOOLS, FLOWER STANDS, SEATS, &c., which is complete, at reduced prices. N.B.—The remaining Stock of IMPROVED MODERATOR LAMPS, at greatly reduced prices."

The 1861 Census of Warminster records, at the High Street, Warminster:

"James Burnett Haden, head of the household, married, aged 45, Ironmonger and Gun maker, employing 3 men, 1 apprentice and a boy. Born at Handsworth, Staffordshire.
Sarah Haden, wife, married, aged 50, born at Melksham, Wiltshire.
James George Haden, son, unmarried, aged 17, assistant to J.B. Haden, born at Warminster, Wiltshire.
Henry William Haden, son, unmarried, aged 16, Missionary Pupil, born at Warminster, Wiltshire.
Sarah Louisa Haden, daughter, aged 14, born at Warminster, Wiltshire.
Arthur Edward Haden, son, aged 13, scholar, born at Warminster, Wiltshire.
Catherine Mary Haden, daughter, aged 9, scholar, born at Warminster, Wiltshire."

The reference to Henry William Haden being a missionary pupil, could have a connection with the Warminster Mission House which was at Church Street in Warminster. It was opened in 1860 (a year before the Census referred to above), but the name was changed to St. Boniface College in 1871. The original aim of the Mission House/St. Boniface College was "to train men who had a limited education and to prepare them for entrance to St. Augustine’s Missionary College at Canterbury."

John Hazel, who died last year (2006), writing in the late 1990s, noted that both he and his father trained at St. Boniface. In his notes he wrote: "In the first few years there were students from all walks of life—sons of clergymen, an ironmonger, a publican, a farmer, a master mariner, a professor of French and a surgeon." We can only wonder if the son of an ironmonger referred to was Henry William Haden?

The 1861 Census also recorded that Sarah Haden was born at Melksham. I looked through the marriage registers for Melksham and found in the Marriage Register for St. Michael’s Church, Melksham, an entry as follows:

5 September 1839. James Haden, aged 23, bachelor, ironmonger of Warminster, son of John Haden, engineer, - married to - Sarah [the writing is hard to read and the surname looks like it could be Ruddle or Kiddle or something like that], aged 29, spinster, of Melksham, daughter of John [Ruddle, Kiddle, or otherwise], deceased.

There are discrepancies with James and Sarah’s ages. The marriage certificate records him at 23 and she at 29. The 1861 Census says James was 45 and she is 50, and at their deaths within a fortnight of each other in 1867 the newspaper says he was 51 and she was 62. The inscriptions on the grave memorial say he died aged 51 and she died aged 59.

Both bride and groom signed the register (so they could both write as opposed to making their x mark). The witnesses who signed the register were John Haden and John [Ruddle or Kiddle?).

So, it appears that James Burnett Haden got married in 1839 — the same year he had commenced as an ironmonger in Warminster.

It would seem that some of James and Sarah’s sons were educated at the Lord Weymouth’s Grammar School, at Church Street, Warminster, because the School Register of staff and pupils, compiled by Robert Hope, features the following entries among the pupils:

"HADEN. A., probably the son of James Burnett Haden, Ironmonger and Gunmaker, Market Place, Warminster; probably the brother of H.W. Haden (below); at Lord Weymouth School, circa 1860; 1st prize for Geography, 2nd prizes for Maths & Religious Knowledge in 2nd Class, and 2nd prize for Classics in 3rd Class, July 1860."

"HADEN, H.W., probably son of James Burnett Haden, Ironmonger and Gunmaker, Market Place, Warminster; probably brother of A. Haden (above); at Lord Weymouth School circa 1860-61; First prizes for Georgraphy, Classics, French, Maths and 2nd Prize for Religious Knowledge, in 1st Class, July 1860; School Cricket XI, 1861."

Another Haden is included in the Register, as follows:

"HADEN, James B.W., born October 1870, son of Samuel John Haden, Ironmonger and Gunmaker, Market Place, Warminster, circa 1882 (January). Prize in Form 2, December 1882."

You say you went to the Churchyard at the Parish Church of St. Denys, Warminster, but couldn’t find the grave. As I mentioned to you on the phone the Haden grave is marked by a large iron memorial (probably made by themselves) and is situated at the northern edge of the old part of the churchyard. I enclose a photograph of it, with photos (not very clear I’m afraid) of the inscribed plaques upon it. The plaques are not all that easy to read to now but appear to record:

"In affectionate remembrance of James Burnett Haden who died 10th May 1867 aged 51. Also of Sarah his beloved wife who was called to her rest on Easter Day 1867 aged 62. Not lost but gone before."

"In loving memory of Samuel John Haden, eldest son who passed away 30th December 1898 aged 58. Also Edith his beloved wife, fell asleep 19th December 1930. I will give thee rest."

"In sweet memory of Ethel Tate Smith eldest child of Samuel and Edith Haden. Interred at Lavington 28th October 1942."

The deaths column of the Warminster Herald newspaper, issue dated Saturday 27 April 1867, includes the following notice:

On the 21st inst., suddenly, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. J.B. Haden, of this town, aged 62 years."

In the same issue of the Warminster Herald is the following report:

"AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH—We lament to have this week to record the sudden removal from our midst of the wife of Mr. J.B. Haden, Ironmonger, &c., of this town. On Sunday evening last , shortly before seven o’clock, Mrs. Haden, who appeared to be in her usual good health, was dressed ready for going to church; and was only waiting for some members of her family, who were to accompany her, to set out. She took her seat while so waiting, but had no sooner done so, than she fell out of the chair, and died almost immediately. Mr. Vicary was in attendance within a few minutes, but his skill was, of course, unavailing. We need scarcely say that Mr. Haden and his family were almost paralised [sic] with grief at their sudden bereavement, and the people of the town generally, who soon became acquainted with the fact, for ‘Ill news travels apace,’ were sympathisers with the bereaved. If anything has the power to assuage the grief of her family and friends, it must be the knowledge that she they have lost was, as far as humanity can judge, a true good woman, and quite prepared to die. An inquest was held on the body on Tuesday, when, in accordance with the medical testimony, that disease of the heart was the cause of death, a verdict of ’Died by the Visitation of God,’ was returned."

(Mr. Vicary referred to in the above report was one of the local surgeon/doctors.)

Two issues later, the Warminster Herald newspaper, dated Saturday 11 May 1867, included in its deaths column:

May 10th, at the Market-place, Warminster, after a short illness, much respected, Mr. J.B. Haden, Ironmonger, in his 52 year."

The same issue also reports:

"DEATH OF MR. JAMES B. HADEN—Only a fortnight since we had to chronicle the sudden death of Mrs. Haden, which took place on the evening of Easter Sunday. To-day it is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. Haden, her husband, which took place yesterday afternoon. Mr. Haden was thoroughly prostrated with grief at the loss of his wife, and though his children, who themselves felt their bereavement most bitterly, united their efforts to console him, they were unable to do so. He became unwell, and for some days lingered in a most critical state, and finally sank under the effects of an effusion of the brain. Mr. Haden was regarded as a most useful public man in Warminster, and people generally were deep sympathisers with him in his loss. That being so, we need not say that his own danger was a source of much anxiety to them, and that his unexpected decease has proved a hearty shock. If ministerial comfort, public sympathy, and friendly solicitude can avail in any measure to soften the grief of his family, we are sure they have them to the fullest extent."

The following week, the Warminster Herald, dated 18 May 1867, featured the funeral report:

On Monday last the mortal remains of the late Mr. Haden were consigned to their last resting-place in the burial ground of our Parish Church. Since the establishment of the Rifle Volunteer Corps in this town, Mr. Haden, up to the time of his decease, had been a member of it as Amoury [sic] Sergeant, and the corps therefore determined upon shewing the last respect to his memory by attending his funeral, which they did in large numbers. But besides them, several professional gentlemen and a number of tradesmen of the town attended, and the funeral cortege was swelled to great length. The usual formalities of a military funeral was strictly observed. The cortege was headed by the firing party of the corps, who marched with arms reversed; next came the Band, - with muffled drums, - playing the well-known funeral march; then followed other members of the corps; then the hearse, with non-commissioned officers on either side as pall bearers. Immediately following the corpse, were the chief mourners, and lastly those gentlemen who attended out of respect to the deceased. On arriving at the Church-yard gates, the Volunteers formed upon either side, standing at ease, with faces resting on their arms; the corpse was borne through the ranks into the church, the Volunteers (with the exception of the firing party), and the other members of the procession following it. The firing party immediately took up position on either side of the grave. The burial service both in the church and at the grave, was conducted by the Rev. J.E. Philipps, Vicar, and Rev. F.T. Wethered. The late Mr. Haden was lowered into the grave, where little more than a fortnight before were deposited the remains of his wife, amid profound solemness, many of the hundreds of spectators present being visibly and deeply affected. The burial service being ended, and the family and friends of deceased having taken a last look in the grave, the Volunteers fired three volleys over their departed comrade, and the ceremony was complete."

With regard the Warminster Rifle Volunteers Corps, as mentioned in J.B. Haden’s funeral report: the 10th Company of the Corps was established in late 1859, early 1860. I have been through some newspaper reports of the Corps and the only mention of a Haden I can find is in a report of target shooting practice in April 1861, when G. Haden gained 4 points and 2 points respectively for 150 yards and 200 yards. Out of 21 persons shooting he had one of the lowest scores, coming third from last.

A list of the 92 members of the Corps in 1878, included in the Rev. J. J. Daniell’s book, The History of Warminster, published in 1879, includes among the Privates: S.J. Haden.

The Warminster & Westbury Journal, issued dated Saturday 7 January 1899, includes in its deaths column:

HADEN—On December 30, 1898, Samuel John Haden, passed peacefully away, aged 58. Interred in the Minster Churchyard, January 3, at 1.30."

This appears to be the only mention of Samuel’s death in the newspapers. Unlike his father, there is no report of his passing and no report of a funeral. The death of Edith Haden, Samuel’s wife, was not even mentioned in the deaths column, and there is no report for her either.

With regard the death of Ethel Tate Smith, the plaque on the memorial at the Minster Churchyard says she was interred at Lavington. I have looked through the burial registers for Market Lavington and West Lavington, on the edge of Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, and found in the burial register for the Parish Church at Market Lavington, the following details:

Ethel Tate Smith, abode: Spin Hill, Market Lavington, buried October 28th 1942, aged 73. Service officiated by the Rev. Smethurst.

You might be able to find out something about Spin Hill at Market Lavington, by contacting Market Lavington’s local historian, Mrs. Peggy Gye. Her address is: The Loose Box, 15 White Street, Market Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4DP.

It is obvious from the trade directories that James Burnett Haden was not only an ironmonger but a gunmaker, which poses the question: do any of Haden’s guns still exist? The late Sir Keith Neal, who resided at Bishopstrow House, near Warminster, prior to moving to the Channel Islands, was a gun expert and collector. I believe his daughter, Diana Keith Neal still resides in the Channel Islands and is also interested in guns. If you could find her address it might be worth contacting her to see if she has any information on the whereabouts of any Haden guns today. An article about Warminster gunmakers, written by Diane Keith Neal, was published in the Wiltshire Folklife magazine, volume two, number three, in Spring 1979. I enclose a photocopy of that article, as it mentions the Hadens.

I also enclose with this letter the following items:

A photograph of Warminster High Street, taken on the occasion of a procession through the town centre by Sunday School scholars, circa 1885. Haden’s ironmongery shop can be seen in the background, second from the right. There is a crest above the ground floor windows, over the door of the shop, and two ladies are looking through the left window on the first floor.

Another photograph of Warminster High Street, taken when a procession was held as part of the celebrations to mark the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887. Again, Haden’s ironmongery shop can be seen in the background. There are flags and flowers decorating the building.

A photograph of the Haden memorial over the grave at the Minster Churchyard (St. Deny’s Church), plus three photographs showing the three inscribed plaques. The fourth plaque on the memorial is blank.

Two photographs, one showing an iron gravestone memorial marker situated at the Minster Churchyard, Warminster, the other showing the reverse of it, showing that it was made by Haden of Warminster.

An article on cast iron grave memorials, written by Tony and Mary Yoward, which includes details for Haden made memorials. The article was published by me in Issue No. 4 of my Warminster and District Archive magazine, May 1990.

An illustrated page from Haden’s ironmongery catalogue, showing examples of his grave memorials.

A copy of the front page of the Warminster Miscellany newspaper, 1 October 1857, which includes an advert placed by J.B. Haden for cheap gas fittings.

I hope that all of this information will help you further your researches. There are probably more discoveries to be made, but I am sending these things now, so that they will reach you in time for your mother’s 80th birthday on the 14th April.

For now, all the best, and "Many Happy Returns of the Day" to your mother.

Yours sincerely,

Danny Howell.