Wednesday, 15 March 1989

West Wiltshire Industrial Archaeology Society


Wednesday 15 March 1989. Bradford On Avon - Mount Pleasant Community Centre.

"Carson And Toone - The Wiltshire Foundry". Danny Howell. 19.30.

The prosaic indication on the 1901 Ordnance Survey Map for Warminster of an "Iron and Brass Foundry" belies the history, 1816/1909 of "The Wiltshire Foundry".

Acquiring an existing foundry Carson and Miller set up business as millwrights, founders and smiths. In common with their contemporaries they manufactured various agricultural implements, threshing and haymaking machines as well as having a good line in milestones. By1842, they were exporting to Europe and New Zealand.

Toone succeeded as a partner in 1860 and later the firm produced the cheese presses, in ten sizes, by which it is probably best known.

Mr. Howell has published a history of the firm and his slide-illustrated talk will bring the story up to date with material which has inevitably come to light since publication in 1987.

The Bulletin, West Wiltshire Industrial Archaeology Society.