Danny Howell's Wylye Valley Life magazine has been relaunched. The first issue of the new edition is published today, 15 November 1986.
In an editorial titled 'A Welcome Return' on the front page, Danny Howell writes:
At long last, the Wylye Valley Life is back! We know its return has been long-awaited and will be heartily-welcomed everywhere. As you can imagine rather a lot has been happening behind the scenes since the last issue was published at the end of January 1986. Our apologies for this absence which was due to an unexpected let-down and the inevitable problems which followed. This is now 'water under the bridge' and we can now continue on from where we left off all those weeks ago.
Behind the scenes the proprietorship and staff of the magazine have partly changed. Lynette Hall and Suzanne Wiltshire have joined me as the new proprietors. Lynette and Suzanne will be running the new WVL Office, while I will continue, as before, to occupy the Editor's chair. As a team we have put our heads together to re-launch the Wylye Valley Life. Because we are all well aware of the reasons why the WVL magazine proved so popular with both advertisers and readers before, we do not intend to make any radical changes. However to remain as the best alternative advertising medium in the Wylye Valley with the biggest circulation of any Warminster-based magazine, we have decided to make a few minor changes with regards our office, publication dates and extra staff.
Firstly, it was important for us to find new and better premises. This we have done and our new office is at 14 George Street, Warminster (above the studios of David Wiltshire Photography). Our office is open Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 1 pm during the winter months. Our new telephone number is Warminster (0985) 214144 and we have an answering machine outside of office hours.
Secondly, the WVL magazine will be published on a monthly basis in future, on the middle Saturday of each month. Our reason for this is threefold: We want to be more magazine orientated, rather than be thrown in the same bag as the ever-increasing number of free sheet newspapers which seem to be thrust at what appears to be a much-too-regular rapidity through our letterboxes; We want to increase our number of pages to include more editorial features and these of course will take us longer to prepare, hence the extra time gap required between issues; And monthly publication will of course ensure we can do our best for both advertisers' wants and the all important editorial content.
Thirdly, it's important that we continue to avoid the bland, blatantly commercial approach of some of the free sheets currently doing the rounds in some districts. Pages and pages of nothing but advertisements can be a turn-off for readers and therefore a waste of money for the advertisers concerned. To avoid this, we are going to include as many interesting and topical articles as possible.
Apart from the points raised above, everything else will remain the same. As you can see, we have kept a similar page size and format (a proven winner) and the magazine will continue to be free of charge. We have included all the old favourites and we have added some extra goodies to keep you all entertained. It only remains for all of you to use our pages to buy and sell, serve and be served, publicise and support; after all, that's what we are here for. Make sure you join us for our December issue, which will also be our Christmas special. It will be published on Saturday 13th December. Acceptance deadline for advertising and editorial contributions is 12 Noon, Monday 1st December. Don't miss out!