Sunday, 28 April 1985

Family Life In Roman Times


Our very good friend, Andrew Houghton, known to many as a teacher at Kingdown School, Warminster, was the speaker at the April 1985 meeting of Boreham Women's Institute.

His talk was Family Life In Roman Times and was well-attended.

Andrew said that like today, there was no typical Roman family - it all depended on their education and status.

He then described how a well-educated and well-off wife would go about her daily duties which included supervising the running of the house and garden.

Andrew illustrated his talk with a fascinating collection of slides, and recited quotations from Roman writers and historians.

Having heard what conditions were like in Roman times, the audience was able to appreciate the freedom that women enjoy today.

Andrew Houghton concluded his talk by dressing one of the Boreham W.I. members in a toga and there was the opportunity afterwards to see the remains of Roman pottery that had been found locally.

Mrs. Jean Pike thanked Mr. Houghton for his most interesting and informative talk.